60ml gin
30ml lime juice
a commonsense approach to eating well, living well and travelling
When there’s an abundance of limes from the garden, then it’s time for mojitos. The key is to have your limes and mint fresh. This is an easy classic cocktail and yet I have been served flavourless mojitos in bars and the reason being not using the freshest of ingredients.
1 lime
6-8 mint leaves plus a sprig for garnish
2 teaspoons of sugar
60 ml white rum
A splash of soda water
Slice the lime into wedges. Place the wedges in a cocktail shaker. Muddle the limes with a muddler or the end of a rolling pin or other such implement until all the juice is extracted. Add mint leaves and sugar and muddle to combine. Add the rum followed by ice and shake. Strain out into a Collins glass filled with ice. Top with a splash of soda and finish with sprig of mint.
Friday night drinks have become a ritual in our household. Weeknights are busy with work, school and gym but Friday night is special as we are all relaxed and we get together around the island in the kitchen. This one was my son’s creation. Looks decadent and tastes amazing.
60ml rye whiskey
½ teaspoon triple sec or Cointreau
15ml simple syrup
30ml lemon juice
Egg white
Red wine (Shiraz/Malbec/Bordeaux
Soda water (optional)
Put whiskey, triple sec, simple syrup, lemon juice and egg white in a shaker. Shake without ice to mix ingredients. Then shake with ice to chill and dilute. Pour into a desired glass. “Float” wine into glass by pouring over spoon. Top with soda and serve immediately. Makes one drink.