Zucchinis are very versatile and lend well to all manner of cooking styles. Simple, quick and easy to make a meal out of this unassuming vegetable.

8-9 small tender baby zucchinis
Olive oil for brushing
100 grams sour cream
Salt and pepper
½ teaspoon lemon rind
2 tablespoons slivered almonds, toasted
2-3 tablespoons tomato chilli jam or tomato relish (store bought)
A few mint leaves
Preheat a ridged grill pan or barbecue.
Using a peeler, take a strip of skin off top and bottom so they sit well in the pan. Brush with oil.
Cook, turn occasionally, until just tender. Depending on the tenderness of your zucchini’s this can take 4-5 minutes. Set aside to cool.
Mix the lemon rind in the sour cream along with a pinch of salt.
To serve:
Arrange the zucchinis on a serving platter and top with the prepared sour cream. Dot the tomato chilli jam or relish. Sprinkle the almonds and grind pepper if you like. Scatter the mint leaves and serve at room temperature.